Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Byaduk town car sign for Sign2


The car is quite artistic when I bypass this small town of Byaduk in Budj Bim.

Sony A7RV

FE 20-70mm f4

Linking Sign2

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Petrified Forest, Portland for Treasure Tuesday


What a view! I took this on Friday evening. There were no tourists either!

DJ Mini Pro4

linking Treasure Tuesday

Monday, December 18, 2023

First nation people portrait in Warrnambool for Mural Monday


This mural sits outside the restaurant that I had seafood chowder which tastes fabulous. A bit sad looking. 

Sony A7RV

FE 20-70mm f4

Linking Mural Monday and FACE OFF

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Bay of Martyrs, Peterborough, Great Ocean Road for Sunday Best


Golden hour at Bay of Martyrs where historical genocide took place on local aboriginal population. 

Almost every coast I visited was filled with terrible history. Not a good feel walking these trails. 

I am heading to a volcano crater this morning. Also checking out a few limestone caves. Well, I hope I can find them lol.

DJ Mini Pro4

Linking Sunday Best

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Honeyeater in Cranbourne for Saturday Critter


Sitting there meditating

Sony A7RIV

FE 200-600mm f5.6-6.3

Linking Saturday Critter

Friday, December 15, 2023

Merri Marine Park Sunset for Skywatch Friday


It is all about luck, lighting and framing.

Sony A7RV

FE 20-70mm f4

Linking Skywatch Friday

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Merri Marine Park, Warrnambool for Water H2O Thursday


Normally this coast is looking bleak and grey. Finally a moment of blessing. 

Sony A7RV

FE 20-70mm f4

Check out Water H2O Thursday

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Pesgrave Place Melbourne for Sign2


Not sure how to make sense of this - two ladies in foetal position 

Sony A7RV

FE 50mm f1.2 

Linking Sign2

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Merri Sanctuary Sunset, Warrnambool for Treasure Tuesday


This dusk took me out of a surprise as weather forecast predicted a whole day of continuous storm. The weather bureau department needs to be sacked altogether 

I think I am done in this region. Another 2 weeks to go then back to civilisation. 

DJ mini Pro4

Linking Treasure Tuesday

Monday, December 11, 2023

Under a bridge mural for Mural Monday


It is to do with climate activist of some sort

Sony A7RV

Laowa 9mm f5.6

Linking Mural Monday

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Childer's Cove in Mepunga Coast for Sunday Best


Squatting in this beach where 22 children were massacred was not really a good feeling. 

Sony A7RV

FE 20-70mm f4

Linking Sunday Best

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Friday, December 8, 2023

Bay of Islands, Peterborough, Great Ocean Road for Skywatch Friday


My long wait is finally worthwhile. It took me 3 weeks to find this moment. 

DJ Mini Pro4

Linking Skywatch Friday

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Mail Boxes in Warrnambool for Sign2


The mailboxes stand out more than the signs. 

Sony A7RV

FE 20-70mm f4

Linking Sign2

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Twelve Apostles Sunset Great Ocean Road for Treasure Tuesday


I cannot help being cheesy posting a frame that all tourists do here. People are all stampeding the boardwalk in the look out platform. The vibrations ruin my long exposure attempts. 

As I grow older, I prefer to stay away from the people. More like a recluse. 

Sony A7RV 

FE 20-70mm f4 

Linking Treasure Tuesday


Monday, December 4, 2023

Penny Weight Walk Mural in Bendigo for Mural Monday


I know this is done by a local artist who is quite well known in Bendigo. I just cannot remember his name any more.

Sony A7RIV

FE 24mm f1.4 GM

Linking Mural Monday

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Loch Ard Gorge, Great Ocean Road for Sunday Best


As soon as I finish this post, I gonna drive to Wreck Beach. Believe it or not, there is a bit of sun coming through and wind is slowing down to 11 km/hr. Too good to be true.

DJ Mini Pro4

Linking Sunday Best

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Butterfly in Grampians for Saturday Critter

 It has a nice pattern. I took it using my birding lens lol.

Sony A7RIV

FE 200-600mm f5.6-6.3 

Linking Saturday Critter

Friday, December 1, 2023

Stingy Bay for Sky Friday


This is only 1.3 km from my unit in Warrnambool. So I often come here for a stroll straight after my Thai Dinner. I found a lot of dog poo on the beach though. Sad.

Sony A7RV

FE 20-70mm f4

Linking Sky Watch Friday

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Great Ocean Road in Port Campbell National Park for Water H2O Thursday


In Warrnambool, a lot of Asian restaurants are run by Aussie cooks. It took me a long time to finally discover a Thai restaurant with original Asian style menu. Now I am eating at it on the daily basis. 

There is a location called Magic Rock off Warrnambool coast. However, I cannot access the location as I do not have a 4WD. That was one of my goal to finally get a pic from there. Pity

DJ Mini Pro4 

Linking Water H2O Thursday

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Coffee sign in Collins Block Arcade for Sign2


A simple sign while I was waiting for my coffee

Sony A7RV

FE 135mm f1.8 GM

Linking Tom's Sign2

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Loch Ard Gorge in Great Ocean Road for Treasure Tuesday


It supposed to be a stormy weekend. On Saturday morning, there was a 2-hour cloud break among the thick cumulus clouds. 

I rushed through the routine and driving to a few locations in a hurry. Finally managed to get a few shots both in drones and camera.

Forecast is telling me another week of storms... 

DJ Mini Pro4

Linking Treasure Tuesday

Monday, November 27, 2023

Greta Thunberg portrait for Mural Monday


Found in ACDC lane. 

She seems to be in troubles lately. 

Panasonic G9

Leica 12-60mm f2.8-4

Linking Mural Monday

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Stingray Bay Warrnambool for Sunday Best


Since I arrive this coastal town, the rain has been non stop. For the weekend, I was expecting a terrible storm until a cloud break close to sunset hours. So I quickly fly my drone to get a view off Stingray Bay. The wind nearly took my drone away into the sea...

At least, I got a shot here and there before the storm took over. So sad.

DJ Mini Pro4

Linking Sunday Best

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Falcon in Kerang for Saturday Critter


It is often spotted around kangaroo Roadkills near Kerang. They love to feed on Roo's meats. 

Very hard to capture them on camera as they are scared of humans easily

Sony A7RV

FE 200-600mm f5.6-6.3

Linking Saturday Critter

Friday, November 24, 2023

Bridgewater Bay Sunset for Skywatch Friday


I have taken sunset shots from this location many times. Each time, the colour and the vibe are different.

Sony A7RV

FE 20-70mm f4

Linking Skywatch Friday

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Duckboard place for Sign2


It is more of a rant for humanity.

Sony A7RIV

FE 24mm f1.4 GM

Linking Treasure Tuesday

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Bridgewater Bay Topdown for Treasure Tuesday


Finally the wind was a lot less on the weekend. Finally a view I really like.

I am now in Warrnambool for a 5-week locum work. Hopefully I get enough interesting weather for photography. 

DJ mini Pro4 

Linking Treasure Tuesday

Monday, November 20, 2023

Hosier Lane Fox Mural for Mural Monday


I remembered there were times that the academic circle treated foxes as local pests. Eradication was encouraged. 

Panasonic G9

Leica 12-60mm f2.8-4

Linking Mural Monday

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Lady bug in Camberwell for Saturday Critter


It is nice to see green bokeh

Olympus 150 f2

Linking Saturday Critter

Friday, November 17, 2023

No 16 Beach, Rye, Mornington Peninsula for Skywatch Friday


Sunset without clouds is usually looking the same everywhere. Joel tried to get his feet wet for a shot he would hardly process after he got home.

Sony A7RV

FE 20-70mm f4

Linking Skywatch Friday

Thursday, November 16, 2023

No 16 Beach, Rye in Mornington Peninsula for Water H2O Thursday


We missed the lowest tide on the day. I believed the forecast prediction was an error. So we did not get to see Dragon's Head which was already immersed in the ocean. Then I tried to salvage the effort into getting a fine art shot if I could. This will do!

Sony A7RV

FE 20-70mm f4

Linking Water H2O Thursday

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Pesgrave Place Melbourne for Sign2


In this laneway, there are many signs and typography. I spot something I do not understand. 

Mum got shingles last week. It took a lot of trips to get her antiviral and capsaicin cream. Then chest pain happened. I took her to ED waiting for hours. Now I am taking her to colonoscopy. Hope she is alright. I am very worried. 

Sony A7RV

FE 50mm f1.2 GM

Linking Sign2

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Champaign drink for Treasure Tuesday


It was a lovely drink for my birthday that Joel treated me for a good Italian meal in Collingwood.

Sony A7RV

FE 24mm f1.4 GM

Linking Treasure Tuesday

Monday, November 13, 2023

Portrait mural for mural Monday


This is found in Queen Victoria Market for a long time. I do not know the story behind it.

Panasonic G9

Leica 12-60mm f2.8-4

Linking Mural Monday

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Grantville Jetty for Sunday Best


This jetty is easy to get to. A nice Souvlaki store nearby. Easy for a silent day

Sony A7RV

FE 14mm f1.8 GM

Linking Sunday Best

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Barn Swallow Cranbourne for Saturday Critter


I think the distracting bokeh takes away the focus of the swallow

Sony A7RV + FE 200-600mm f5.6-6.3

Linking Saturday Critter

Friday, November 10, 2023

Tyntynder Victoria with River Murray for Skywatch Friday


A derelict part of the remote Victoria. The wind was blowing very hard. I did the drone shot anyway.

DJ Mini Pro4

Linking Skywatch Friday

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Balnarring Beach Mornington Peninsula for Water H2O Thursday


On the day, Joel and I were supposed to visit the abandoned submarine in Hastings. It turned out the wreckage was already removed! It was so upsetting. So we moved quickly to this nearby beach before sunset took place.

Sony A7RV 

FE 20-70mm f4

Linking Water H2O Thursday

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Old cinema sign in Castlemaine Victoria for Tom's Sign2


The signs really show the time. It is now 35 degree Celsius in Mallee region. So hot. 

Canon 7D

EF 50mm f1.2

Linking Tom's Sign2

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Orb Light Painting at Lake Tyrrell for Treasure Tuesday


It was a twilight moment. I decided to do an orb spin with my equipment. There is reflection too.

Sony A7RV

FE 14mm f1.8 GM

Linking Treasure Tuesday

Monday, November 6, 2023

Hoiser Lane Mural for Mural Monday


Trippy as. Sci fi heaven I guess. 

Sony A7RV

FE 14mm f1.8 GM

Linking Mural Monday

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Topdown Heathcote terrain for Sunday Best


The arid and dry landscape is interesting. 

DJ mini Pro4

Linking Sunday Best

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Friday, November 3, 2023

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Mangrove at Cleveland, Brisbane for Water H2O Thursday


I actually like the smell of the mangroves - a little earthy and muddy. 

Sony A7RV

FE 14mm f1.8 GM

Linking Water H2O Thursday

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Grilled Shishamo in Ikaho Japan for Sign2


The sign says a school of grill technique by salt for Shishamo, which is a silvery fish commonly found in Japan Rivers in mountains. These fish contain roes that made the taste even better. This region was reknown for this.

Fujifilm Pro2

16-55mm f2.8

Linking Sign2