The relentless weathering upon these islands and rocks shall, in time, lead to their complete obliteration. The Bay of Martyr is a delightful locale to which I must certainly return in the future.
Linking Skywatch Friday
The relentless weathering upon these islands and rocks shall, in time, lead to their complete obliteration. The Bay of Martyr is a delightful locale to which I must certainly return in the future.
Linking Skywatch Friday
My long wait is finally worthwhile. It took me 3 weeks to find this moment.
DJ Mini Pro4
Linking Skywatch Friday
It supposed to be a stormy weekend. On Saturday morning, there was a 2-hour cloud break among the thick cumulus clouds.
I rushed through the routine and driving to a few locations in a hurry. Finally managed to get a few shots both in drones and camera.
Forecast is telling me another week of storms...
DJ Mini Pro4
Linking Treasure Tuesday
Finally the wind was a lot less on the weekend. Finally a view I really like.
I am now in Warrnambool for a 5-week locum work. Hopefully I get enough interesting weather for photography.
DJ mini Pro4
Linking Treasure Tuesday