Sunday, February 9, 2025

Flinders Blowhole for Sunday Best


Joel and I spent a considerable amount of time attempting to capture the waves on the rock. It was a time-consuming endeavor. Achieving a long exposure for the initial shot posed significant challenges. If there was an abundance of waves, the white section would become entirely overexposed. Additionally, the fast aperture click for the second shot was often hindered by latency, causing us to miss the golden moment. Nevertheless, it was an enjoyable experience, as we were engaged in the art of photography.

On Flickr, I received an invitation to contribute to the Planet Earth project. Selecting images to submit to the group is quite challenging. The majority of images that I favor are cherished not because of their excellence, but due to the memories and experiences associated with each weekend adventure.

Recently, I received the land tax statement via email over the weekend. Quite an inconvenience!

Sony A7RV

FE 70-200mm f4 

Linking Sunday Best and Scenic Sunday


  1. Beautiful photos, My hubby loves to watch the waves crashing on the rocks. Have a great day!

  2. I love the way the waves break over the rock, but I think these two photos are in the wrong order. Splash first, and then water runs off. But that's just me. Congratulations on being selected to contribute photos to Planet Earth project. I think the committee made a great choice.

    1. The two images are not in succession. Taken in different shutter speed as well. Thank you for your pertinent support

  3. There is something almost hypnotic about watching the waves crashing over rocks.

  4. ...your Sunday Bests keep getting better and better.

  5. Replies
    1. Sunday Best is becoming a tradition for photo bloggers to showcase the shots

  6. wow!! How good! And especially the first one. Fantastic!!
    A hug :)

  7. Spectacular photos.
    Happy Sunday.
    Best regards

  8. Congratulations on the Planet Earth project! I think more people should be aware of your talent. Show us what you chose after you decide!

    1. I am flattered. I haven't ventured the exotic places like most in that group.

  9. I love the first one, but the second one is also great.
    Good jobs!

  10. You can see the first photo on two scale's . First as a big island with little islands in the water and covered with snow. The second as it is true bolders in the water along the coast. Intriguing.

    1. Thank you for your words. The first shot has no snow but long exposure of waves on the rock

  11. Wonderful photos.
    Greetings orvokki


  12. Congratulations, Roentare! Being invited by Flickr is an honor! Loved these shots. Happy Sunday!

  13. It was definitely worth the effort. This is splendid. And congratulations on your invitation to the project. I know you'll have many to share.

  14. Well done on the invitation.
    Both the photos are lovely. Each very different.

  15. Your patience in capturing the perfect wave is impressive!
    Amazing photos, Roentare!

  16. Abatida por las olas y el viento, se ve que resiste.
    Feliz domingo.

  17. Abatida por las olas y el viento, se ve que resiste.
    Feliz domingo.

  18. I like the action of the waves, so dramatic. I grew up by the ocean but live far inland now, so I really like ocean photographs. Adding your photos to the Planet Earth project will be exciting, and probably hard to choose the best ones. Land tax statement by email? I though it would come by mail.

  19. I recently revived an And old Sunday meme if you’re interested.

  20. Unas fotos que me parecen de una gran calidad dada la dificultad para realizar este tipo de tomas.


  21. You captured the waves beautifully, especially in the second photo.

  22. Beautiful shots, James! The light and the water are perfect in counterfoil to one another. Thank you for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.


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