Saturday, February 15, 2025

Hyaline Grass Bug in Melbourne for Saturday Critter


📸 Macro Marvel: Liorhyssus Hyalinus in Melbourne! 🦟

Captured this stunning macro shot of the Liorhyssus hyalinus, also known as the Hyaline Grass Bug, on the wall in Melbourne. The intricate details of its body and the vibrant colors are truly mesmerizing. 

Liorhyssus hyalinus is a fascinating plant bug, often found on various grasses and plants. Its transparent wings and distinctive markings make it a favorite subject for macro photographers.

Pentax  K20D

Voigtlander 125mm f2.5 Macro

Linking Saturday Critter

Having completed the final season of Cobra Kai in one uninterrupted viewing session, I observed that the young characters' movements are rather slow, and the fight sequences appear somewhat amateurish. Nevertheless, the show possesses an undeniably captivating quality that renders it irresistibly addictive.


  1. We don't have this bug in Georgia. He is a handsome bug!

  2. Great macro again. I see you are using an old pentax. Out curiosity I bought a K-3 2 month ago and am stunned by the results you can get with that already 10 year old dslr. That makes photography very satisfying indeed.

    1. I used to be a Pentax fan boy. I was running videos and campaigns for Pentax against other big boys in the camera industry. But old gear became vintage for me these days

  3. That's a very appealing little bug. I like macro photography for the detail it reveals.

  4. ...according to Wikipedia, Liorhyssus hyalinus sure gets around the world.

  5. This is a wonderfully clear and sharp macro!! We do not have this bug here, at least not that I know of. He is kind of cute.

    1. It is supposed to be ubiquitous. Just quite small to notice

  6. Muy bien vista y con buenos detalles.
    Feliz fin de semana.

  7. I wish I had not looked at the photo full sized. You captured its creepiness very well.

  8. It's beautiful, especially since it's on your wall, Roentare, and not mine. And look at the topographic relief on the wall! 😂 I'm battling cockroaches here in Hawaii, which I don't have to fight at home in Colorado. Happy weekend!

  9. Beautiful capture of the insect. It takes a macro shot to see how beautiful these little ones are.
    Gosh, binge watched - was it 15 episodes?

  10. Supongo no es fácil realizar un macro como este de insectos supongo huidizos.


  11. Cute little bug and a great macro shot.
    Thank you for your critter post and for sharing your link! Take care, have a wonderful weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  12. You got a wonderful photo for looking at it close up!


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