Thursday, November 30, 2023

Great Ocean Road in Port Campbell National Park for Water H2O Thursday


In Warrnambool, a lot of Asian restaurants are run by Aussie cooks. It took me a long time to finally discover a Thai restaurant with original Asian style menu. Now I am eating at it on the daily basis. 

There is a location called Magic Rock off Warrnambool coast. However, I cannot access the location as I do not have a 4WD. That was one of my goal to finally get a pic from there. Pity

DJ Mini Pro4 

Linking Water H2O Thursday


  1. Muy bella fotografía. Con un buen colorido, el azul turquesa del mar en contraste con los ocres del islote.

    1. I could not find a sunset hour without storm in the past 2 weeks

  2. That water is such a beautiful color. So glad you found a good restaurant you like. Thai food sounds good about now!

  3. You still got a wonderful photo. Besides the water, I admired the banding on the rock outcrop.

  4. I want to eat what you're eating. Sounds delicious. Love this beautiful shot. National parks are the very best.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  5. Me encantan esos colores del mar y de la tierra que recoges en tu foto.


  6. That's interesting about the lack of Asian people to staff or run Asian restaurants. It is years seen I have been there but I remember it as quite a diverse town, perhaps because of the education institution, whatever it is called.

  7. Driving from Melbourne to Adelaide along the coast road last week, I shall keep your photo to remind myself how spectacular the coast is. Thank you

  8. That is a nice capture.
    How odd the Asians are not cooking Asian food, just wouldn't be the same with we non Asians cooking it. I can cook some Asian food but it certainly doesn't taste the same.

  9. The three finest meals I have ever eaten were French, Szechuan, and Thai. The Thai was the finest.

  10. Wow, gorgeous photo and coastal view! Take care, have a great day!

  11. That is gorgeous. Glad that you found some good food.

  12. Absolutely amazing , would love to see that in person.
    I visited you via Little Things Thursday!
    I linked up this week with = 33+34. Hope you will join us W-S #WordlessWednesday. You will find both under BLOGGING. Happy Thanksgiving to all

  13. That is stunning! What a great photograph. Thank you for linking up.


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