Wednesday, July 10, 2024

My Beach is your beach for Sign2


The area is so littered with dog poo though

Sony A7RV

Laowa 9mm f5.6

Linking Sign2


  1. Muy bena las luces del atardecer, en tu imagen. Espero que mientras caminabas, no hayas pisado ningĂșn excremento de perros.

  2. Dog owners need to be more responsible for their dogs. I like your photo with a great sky and perspective.

  3. Good sign. Sadly we have this issue over here too, all over sadly :-(

  4. Responsibility,
    something that is missing from our time!
    The colors of the sunset are fantastic,
    and so is the prompting poster!

    1. Hard to come up with a new law that will not be enforced

  5. Nice composition with the sign. People tend to ruin things, we have that problem too.

  6. Oh my, people start resenting the dogs because of their owner's bad behavior. Such a shame!

  7. It's becoming unusual to come across dog crap nowadays. It should be very rare.

  8. Next week is going to be the coldest week of the year across the southern states. That sign would seem so welcoming.

  9. Nice sign, but oh dear - no poo bags there for those with dogs can use it seems. Lazy people in one way, they should bring their own and clean up the dog mess or be fined!

  10. "My beach is your dog's toilet" then. I was recently talking to a man who lives near me; apparently some people go to the trouble of picking up dog poo in plastic bags - and then drop it over his fence and into his garden, when there is a bin not 30 meters away

  11. So, more the doggies beach. I kinda hate dog owners that leave it for me to find.

  12. Obviously a lot of dog owners don't know how to read or understand signs! What a shame.

  13. Good sign, sorry about the dog poo! People show be picking up after their pets.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  14. ...we share this world, let's take care of it!

  15. The slogan is great, but they should have put a photo of a couple with two dogs, which is more common than with three children...
    Beautiful shot

  16. It always bothers me why people don't clean up after their dogs. It only takes a minute and makes such a huge difference.

  17. Si tenemos una mascota debe ser con todas consecuencias y una de ellas es recoger sus excrementos.


  18. The sign is inviting, but dog poo would be a real turn off. I hate when people don't clean up after their animals!


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