Monday, July 1, 2024

Duckboard Place, Melbourne for Mural Monday


This mural is sitting there for many years. Surprised that no one really wants to tag this.

Sony A7RV

FE 20-70mm f4 G

Linking Mural Monday


  1. Un bello mural al que según parece lo respetaron, aunque parece haber desconchones de pintura.


  2. Thanks for sharing this ...
    Their eyes do look a little sad.

    All the best Jan

  3. Good mural. Good no one has written over it!

  4. Nice photo. I think the complete mural would better tell the story, but I looked at an older blog that showed dozens of paintings on the walls of this area, and most of the meanings, if they had any to begin with, would be lost with the artist. Whatever the individual thinks it is, it is. It would be amazing, viewing all the paintings in person.

  5. That is a strong mural. It is the eyes that are riveting.

  6. That's a wonderful mural. The eye is the mirror of the soul

  7. That's a different type of a mural, it's really done well.

  8. I'm glad the taggers have gone elsewhere. This is a remarkable mural.

  9. We have found where we live that taggers don't tag murals like this. It is like they are respecting the artist. Thankfully. We have a lot of street art murals where I live. They really bring art to the people. Enjoy your week and thankyou for visit my blog this week.

  10. That is an eye-catching mural. I'd like to know the story behind it. Imprisonment, injustice . . . ?

  11. Nice find. Glad it's not been tagged. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Roentare

  12. Great mural! Have a great day and happy new week!


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