Saturday, July 6, 2024

More Sea Gulls from Lake Tyrrell for Saturday Critter


It is winter. Hard to venture out and look for any wildlife.

Sony A7RV

FE 70-200mm f4 G

Linking Saturday Critter

It was a good catch up with Joel for his birthday dinner celebration. We had black lip abalone on 80th floor in CBD. We drank so much spirits and sake. Now I am hanged over.


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah I was only waiting for the sunset colours coming in

  2. Preciosa con un gran colorido y excelentes reflejos.

  3. Your lake photo with those birds reflected is terrific. Good you had a memorable celebration dinner.

  4. Sometimes the hangover is worth it. Happy birthday to Joel and a wonderful photo!

  5. Esos tenues colores, son una maravilla.
    Buena vista del lugar de celebración del cumpleaños.
    Feliz fin de semana.

  6. Sounds like a birthday you will both remember! Love the seabird photo :)

  7. Wonderful reflection of the seagull flying.
    The restaurant is amazing, matching the interior as well as the views.
    Hope you are better...

    1. That was the front lobby. I can post some of the expensive dishes

  8. Beautiful birds in the lake!
    Looks like you had a great birthday!

  9. It's wonderful to see you and Joel. What a super celebration to be in that lovely place with what looks like an incredible view. 80th floor? Wow! Happy Belated Birthday to Joel.

    Also enjoyed your photo of the birds, a beautifully composed shot and those reflections are very cool!

    1. You are always so kind. I don't have many friends. It is best to hold onto them.

  10. That looks like a quite luxurious place to dine but it seems like it was worth it. A hangover will pass but you'll keep the fun memories.

  11. Brilliant capture of the birds!
    Get rid of the hangover by chugging one more! In India we call it the 'utaara' (downer)

  12. Beautiful capture there.
    That's what happens when you drink too much 😉as long as you enjoyed yourself. Beautiful view from up there as well.

  13. I can tell you from youthful experience, it's "hungover". Hair of the dog helps.

  14. Beautiful capture of the birds, a lovely scene!
    Great photo of you and Joel, looks like a fabulous place for a birthday celebration!
    Beautiful series on the Gulls! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a wonderful weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment!

  15. Es impresionante la gama de colores, incluidos los de las aves. Parece que lo pasaste bien en la celebración de Joel.
    Un abrazo.

  16. The birds take on such a pretty color in the water! Very nice photos!

  17. Fantastic place to celebrate. What a view.
    Love the seagulls too.

  18. Hangovers are no fun!!! But it sounds like you had a lot of fun for Joel's birthday! Love the seagulls and the photo of you and Joel!

  19. Muy bonita foto. Me alegra que lo pasarán bien, felicidades. Besos.

  20. Una bonita imagen de esas aves buscando su sustento en las aguas de ese bello lago.
    Por lo que dices mezclasteis varias bebidas y bien creo no es nada aconsejable.


  21. Love the seagulls! Winter wildlife photography is tough, but this turned out great. Sounds like a fun birthday dinner too!


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