Wednesday, November 16, 2022

"Wrangler Sign" for Tom's Sign2 Event


Every once in a while, I would go take a rodeo shot. There is a sign at the back of the course, so I guess it is fitting Tom's theme. 

My pal has finally convinced me to join Mastodon on Sunday night. The experience has been pleasant! I am backing out twitter as a twitter refugee now. 

Sony A7RIV

FE 70-200mm f2.8 GM

This is linking Tom's Sign2


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Fernando. It takes 4 hours of waiting at the rim to occupy a good spot.

  2. You really captured the action, the dust is flying!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Mikael. I love rodeo events. It took many goes to get it right in the event. Just like shooting wedding

  4. Excellent action shot--- he'll have that one down and tied up very quickly!

  5. Great photo. Wrangler has been around for ages! I had never heard of Mastodon, so had to search what it was. Never been on twitter either...

  6. You've captured a real wrangler under the Wrangler sign.

  7. I used to wear wrangler jeans as a teenager, never tried a rodeo though!

  8. You perfectly caught the action at this Rodeo. Great shot, and the sign works also.

  9. Una foto magistral y algo difĂ­cil de tomar.



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