Saturday, June 15, 2024

White Whiskered Laughingthrush in Taiwan for Saturday Critter


I only learnt the name of this bird until a former mate in Perth Australia told me about it.

Extraordinarily plumaged songbird with white facial markings that lend it an almost comical whiskered appearance. Brown overall, with accents of yellow, buff, purple, plum, blue, and orange throughout the plumage. Inhabits montane forest edge with dense shrubbery or grassy cover, but often emerges out onto roadsides and paths to forage, often crossing the road close to vehicles. Moves in noisy flocks or in pairs, giving soft contact calls and harsh rattling and whistling calls when alarmed. Song, a melodic tinkling, is simple but pleasant.

Sony A7RV

Sigma 105mm macro 

Linking Saturday Critter


  1. This is a great looking thrush. Thank you for all the bird information.

    1. It is not often that I find out names of birds I photograph

  2. This is a new one to me. He is very handsome. A great find!

  3. As is usually the case, the photo needed to be full screen to see the bird properly. It is a nice little bird and funny the way it stands with its legs splayed apart.

  4. This little bird has a fabulous name. Beautifully captured, Roentare!

  5. It's a sweet bird. They are an intriguing creature.

  6. I like him. He would be welcome at our place anytime!

  7. The laughing thrush hasn't got much to laugh about, poor thing. The ground looks completely dry and food-free :(

  8. Perfectamente enfocado el pajarito en un entorno que parece hostil para su supervivencia.
    Un abrazo.

  9. It is a cute bird and has an interesting name. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  10. I really blends in to the background...I had to look for it! Thanks for including the info on this bird. I like to learn something new every day.

  11. That's one I hadn't heard of before. Another interesting bird.

  12. La naturaleza nos ofrece siempre bellos ejemplares, en esta ocasión un ave.


  13. El pajarito es precioso, me encantan. Besos.

  14. What an interesting name for a beautiful bird. Nice photograph.


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