Thursday, June 20, 2024

New Zealand Waters for Water H2O Thursday


I was not too impressed when I clicked the shot. Later, I actually love it more.

Sony A7RV

FE 70-200mm f4 G

Linking Water H2O Thursday

Now is the end of financial year sale. I have bought so many things this month more than any years prior. Now I am tempted to get Sony 12-24mm f2.8 but I must stop the impulsive buying!


  1. Se ve que la marca, te ha ido bien. El paisaje, te ha quedadeo espectacular.
    Un abrazo.

    1. I always dream to be a street photographer. But landscape photography got in the way

  2. Replies
    1. I will be planning another trip in future. I only stayed there for 5 days

  3. Buy it if you want it I say! ;-)

    That is a great shot, stunning. :-D

  4. This is a great photo with mountains, fog-cloud, and reflections in the water. Perfect composition.

  5. En cuantas ocasiones segundos después de hacer la foto y la miramos en el visor nos parece magnifica y luego no tanto, pero en otras ocasiones como ahora a ti el efecto es el contrario.


  6. I can almost feel the cold coming through my screen!!

  7. The weather god may not have been merciful at the time. But that might be the very time for some drama in your photos.

  8. Una foto muy atractiva, muy bien compuesta.


  9. Wow, that low forming clouds are incredible. so beautiful.

  10. When we are out there we despair that our photograph can capture even a percent of what we are seeing. But then when we get home and the site itself is no longer present, then we appreciate what the photograph did capture. Thank you for sharing this beautiful landscape photo

  11. We're in the 90s here. I just want to crawl into this photo!

  12. Lovely landscape. If you want it, can afford it, buy it as long as it's used! 😉

  13. It often helps to wait a few days before watching your photos. Especially when you have been very busy with the camera. This looks great. A very majestic landscape.

  14. Water in its many forms - ice and snow, cloud and mist, and of course water. Spend the money on more photographic trips - you'll forget about that lens in a few weeks. And if you don't.....

  15. It must be very elevated as nothing much is growing. I can see two small trees.

  16. Aw, you know you want it! Who knows-- maybe that will be the lens that makes more great images come to life!

  17. It is a beautiful scene and photo! Take care, enjoy your day!

  18. Who, stunning landscape. You have an eye for it.

  19. I was wondering people lived 10,000 years before came to this landscape.

  20. While the focus is more on the far away, it does have a beauty about it. Very enjoyable to see.

  21. Amazing!
    I don't think that with more cameras you will take better photos.

  22. You have every right to like this photo, and you have every right to purchase gear if you can afford it.

  23. I think the scene is gorgeous, Roentare! Life is short, a little self-indulgence is good!

  24. Love the landscape shot. The one tree on the edge, briefly looked like an animal, but on closer (enlarging it) inspection it is indeed a tree,
    Thanks so much for participating and sharing at #32 #WW (Words welcome). See you next week Wednesday,


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