Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Pearses Bay, Mornington Peninsula for Treasure Tuesday


Joel and I knew the day gonna suck. We visited the place 2 weeks ago. I did not give enough time in the planning. By the time we were at the coast, sun was already gone. Then the cloud cover kind of dropped the temperature by a few more degrees. So we set up our gear very quickly and snapped the usual location here.

What surprised me was the fact that there were two wedding photographers torturing brides at this windy coast for portraits. It was not even pretty at that hour. The area we were standing on can collapse any time from my earlier reading into geological studies. 

Sony A7RV

FE 20-70mm f4 G

Linking Treasure Tuesday


  1. Don't worry, brides and grooms will do anything to have a different album.
    I have been a photographer of weddings and other events in the analog era.
    Anyway, you have taken a magnificent photo in which a well-lit bride could be.

    1. I was once a wedding photographer too. But it did not pay my bills lol

  2. Un bello paisaje marino con un excelente efecto seda.

    1. That is kind of what I was looking for but not exactly what I was looking for

  3. Seguro que el velo de la novia, era agitado por el viento.
    Precioso el efecto de seda, de esas aguas.
    Buen inicio de semana.

  4. You captured the essence of this place well! It looks totally wild and dangerous!

  5. Hello,
    It is a pretty spot, very dramatic scene and sky. Take care, have a great day!

  6. Photographers get picky and self-critical, but we do what we can at the time. It's good that you took the pic even if it is not your fave. It is nice enough and gives you something to post.

  7. For all your lack of planning, you photograph is gorgeous. Love the colors, and I can see two rain showers in the distance. The sea never the same twice.

  8. This image has such a gorgeous atmosphere - I love it. It looks like a very beautiful place.

  9. I've seen I suppose bridesmaids wrestling with the dresses of brides. It isn't pretty. Clearly there wasn't a geological collapse or there would be no photos.

  10. Well, I loved the results. It may not have been your favorite photo shoot, but it certainly has a wonderful sky and such energy.

  11. I love that photo, there are so many colours and a bit unusual.

  12. Yes the world is beautiful if not messed up by humans.

  13. Perhaps your day "sucked" but this photo is grand.
    Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2024/06/the-lords-new-church.html

  14. It would make a dramatic backdrop for bridal shots.

  15. I love the smell and sounds of the ocean. Beautiful shot.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  16. Aun sin tener las condiciones precisas lograste una bonita foto. Quien sabe si esos novios o los fotógrafos en alguna ocasión vieron algo especial y querían tener algo similar en su álbum.


  17. Looks like a painting
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  18. Majestic capture it looks surreal. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


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