Sunday, June 9, 2024

Castle Hill New Zealand for Sunday Best


I like the composition somehow. I enjoy the walk there

Sony A7RV

FE 20-70mm f4 G

Linking Sunday Best

I spent the whole day hiking out around Ballarat area with Joel. Damn, the waterfall was completely dried out including the river nearby. That was a huge disappointment. In the end, we had some nice chicken Parma in a dusty general pub at a nearby country town. I swear the owner looks like a character from a horror haunting movie killing off tourists.  

Then Joel's electric car ran out of juice. We had to go to a town with limited fast charge. I believe Joel turned up the heating too strong for the cold weather here. 


  1. También me gusta la composición. Espero que la comida haya estado bie,
    Feliz domingo.

  2. Sounds like you sure had a bad day. I would not have been brave enough to eat at that place! Wow, the size of this boulder!

  3. A gorgeous landscape, looks like a pretty place for a hike.
    Have a great week!

  4. Ballarat is a great city for tourists, but you do have to prepare for the weather.

  5. Bill, Mike, Miradas, Ginny, Eileen, hels, Tom - Thank you for all your kind words and visit.
    Ballarat is colder than Bendigo for sure.

  6. I like your photograph but sorry to read the waterfall was completely dried out including the river nearby, a shame and a little disappointing for you.

    Keep safe in your travels.

    All the best Jan

  7. That's a beautiful spot! I hope the car got charged okay.

  8. Nice photo. Shame no water at the waterfall but it happens.
    I guess the charger was in order for the car.

  9. I like the way the cloud fairly evenly decapitated the mountains.

  10. From the photo it looks like it's not raining!!
    Too bad the waterfall dried up!!

  11. That is a satisfying composition. Thank you

  12. I might be talked into a hybrid one day, but never an all electric car-- at least not until there's a charging station with multiple sockets on every corner. Sorry the waterfall was dry, but the picture is still excellent.

  13. La fotografía es bonita, me gusta. El pollo estaba bien?. Besos.

  14. What a beautiful place! We don't have places like that! And I understand why you like the composition.

  15. Una bonita imagen en que la perspectiva hace parecer la primera roca muchísimo mas grande que el resto siendo acaso como alguna de las otras.
    Una de las cosas negativas de los coches eléctricos es la falta de puntos de recarga y lo que suelen durar estas. Y también lo que se nota la duración de la carga usando la calefacción o refrigeración.


  16. Looks like a lovely place for a hike. Visiting from the Hearth and Soul link party.

  17. A beautiful place to take a hike.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ☺

  18. Well done! Symmetrical asymmetry, nicely repeating aggregates of interesting things to look at in distant, middle and near space. Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.


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