Saturday, June 22, 2024

More critter for Saturday Critter


Not sure it is a moth or a butterfly. 

Olympus 150mm f2 

Linking Saturday Critter

I got a new OLED monitor for my desktop in my room. It turned out there was no speaker function. So I had to get Joel to sort it out today. 


  1. How lovely and delicate. Looks like a butterfly.

  2. I think it is a butterfly. The wings sit differently on a moth. It is gorgeous :-D

  3. Polilla o mariposa da igual, lo importante es la belleza.

  4. It's a butterfly, Roentare. I couldn't recall how to tell the difference, so I looked it up. My brain is like a sieve lately. Butterflies have long thin antennae ending in club-like tips. Moths have thick, feathery, comb-like antennae. I've been battling moths for over a week now, black ones. They drive me crazy in the bedroom. I have this fear of my mouth falling open when I'm asleep and a moth flying into it ~ lol. In for a penny, in for a pound they say, so I searched google, and the butterfly belongs to the Genus Pieris - likely Pieris canidia. This is why I get behind on things. I keep going down rabbit holes! Have a good one!

  5. I don't know either but I like it very much!

  6. I'll opt for butterfly. So, now you have to buy speakers for the new monitor.

  7. Beautiful capture. Do you find the OLED too shiny?

  8. Butterfly, as everyone says. Lovely butterfly, lovely picture.

  9. Beautiful photo and a pretty butterfly. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  10. No se lo que es, lo que si se es que es una magnifica toma y la captaste a la perfección.


  11. It's beautiful and you took such a sharp neat photo!

  12. I'm going with butterfly! But I'm not sure.
    It's a beautiful photograph though.

    All the best Jan

  13. Es una mariposa, en mí jardín hay muchas de ellas. La foto te quedó preciosa. Besos.


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