Saturday, August 6, 2022

Seaford Pier Sunset


This pier is an attraction for troubles. It crashes a few times over the year. The place often gets seagulls (sea rats) attacking people randomly. One kid got a blind eye as a result as well. The water smells of organic waste from these flying sea gulls too. 

It looks nice pointing my camera at the sun. Unfortunately these seagulls looked like dusts on my camera sensor!

Sony A7RIV

FE 14mm f1.8 GM



  1. Nice composition. I've not heard of seagulls attacking people. Kind of scary!

    1. I think sea gulls have evolved to eat wastes and unfinished food at beach that they are now grown in such a large number. They often swoop to ambush the foods or lollipops in kids' hands

  2. Buena perspectiva del puente y con lo bellos colores de la puesta del sol.

    Feliz fin de semana.

  3. It's a nice shot but my goodness by the sound of it those seagulls are a bit dangerous in that area. I had one take food out of my mouth (yuk!) in Bowen by the sea.


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