Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Pesgrave Place Signs at Melbourne for Sign2


Some more Melbourne Street scenes

Sony A7RV

FE 35mm f1.4 GM

Linking Sign2

p.s. Joel and I are heading interstate to Adelaide from tomorrow til Sunday. So there may be hit and miss with posting and commenting


  1. Your first sign hit me because a close friend died yesterday. Life can be short, so it should also be sweet.

  2. We often forget that phrase, and we must remember it.
    Peace and love is what the world needs more than ever.
    Have a good trip!

  3. Nice signs and messages. Take care, have a great day!

  4. I've recently took many photos in Pesgrave Place, but yet to use any. Have a great time in Adelaide.

  5. Love these, great look and great messages. Happy travels to you and Joel.

  6. Enjoy your time away.
    Do like the first one the best.

  7. Nice signs with a kind of eternity values in their makings.

  8. I love these place signs, Roentare. I try to live up to the first one every day. I hope that you and Joel enjoy Adelaide. My endocrinologist is from there.


Your comments are always appreciated. Thank you kindly for the kind visits