Sunday, December 15, 2024

Granite Island, Victor Harbour for Sunday Best


Granite Island, located off the coast of Victor Harbor in South Australia, has a rich history that dates back thousands of years. It was originally home to the Ngarrindjeri people, who called it "Nukalilla." The island's striking granite formations were later discovered by European settlers in the early 1800s. In the 19th century, Granite Island became a key site for early European exploration and settlement. Today, it's a popular destination for tourists, known for its stunning coastal views, wildlife, including the famous little penguins, and its historical significance.

Sony A7RV

FE 20-70mm f4 G

Linking Sunday Best


  1. Sounds like a great place to visit. I would like to see little penguins. Pretty scene and photo.

  2. Amazing shot. The orange on the rocks is interesting :-D

  3. Beautiful view. I'm wondering what that orange colored growth is on some of the rocks.

  4. The orange colour is intriguing. If it were iron, I would tend to expect a rustier red.

  5. Bella fotografía con una gran perspectiva y el colorido del musgo.

  6. Thank you for the backstory. I love your little penguins too. Aloha!

  7. How wonderful! Like a painter's dream with all these pops of orange!

  8. Lovely colors along this shoreline. The stuff growing on the rocks must find a good environment.

  9. And the horse drawn tram to Granite Island. It's a nice spot indeed.

  10. Incredible shot! The orange tones on the rocks are so fascinating.

  11. Indeed great colors That orange I saw as lichen on the rocks in Norway.

  12. En la foto no solo nos muestras un bonito lugar al que visitar también el por que de su denominación.


  13. What a very nice photograph.
    I do like all the colours you can see.

    All the best Jan

  14. That orange growth on the rocks is striking. So rugged and beautiful - and penguins!

  15. A fascinating landscape, Roentare! Are the orange patches on the rocks lichen? I would love to see those little penguins!

  16. Me encantaría conocerla y ver a los pingüinos. Besos.

  17. What a wonderful shot, James. I love the bright colours on the rocks! Thank you for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.


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