Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Melbourne CBD signs for Sign2


Some more street signs in Melbourne

Sony A7RV

FE 20-70mm f4 G

Linking Sign2


  1. Is the line of people waiting for carryout food? Great collection of signs. Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. That last place must have some great food. People are lined up to get some.

  3. It's terrible, I would never wait in that line to eat unless it was the last restaurant open...

  4. Nice signs. The last one must be a very popular place.

  5. What a fine collection of signs. I detect a strong Chinese influence in a number of these signs. That's not bad, I love Chinese food.

  6. Imagens de uma cidade no seu movimento diário.
    Abraço de amizade.
    Juvenal Nunes

  7. Viendo la cola de la ultima foto me imagino a un amigo en dos posiciones diferente;
    1 siendo el en parte responsable ya que cuando se sienta no le gusta levantar, aun viendo a cola.
    2 siendo uno de los de la cola diciendo que si no piensan levantarse.


  8. Bonita y coloridas fotos. Si veo unacola tan larga, como la de la última foto, me busco otro local.

  9. Is that a bus load of tourists or is the food really so good that people stand in line?


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