Sunday, January 26, 2025

Dredge and Dragline for Sunday Best


I reside in the vicinity of Maldon, a mere half-hour's journey from Bendigo. The dredge and dragline in Maldon stand as relics of the golden age of mining. Over the years, I have captured this locale through my lens on numerous occasions. Occasionally, I am seized by a longing to document rustic machinery. Joel, however, has never shown an interest in these pursuits, thus I often embark on these solitary explorations. Perhaps, my many years of practicing geriatrics in this region have endeared it to me.

Linking Sunday Best


  1. ...a place that I would love to photograph.

    1. I did not dare stay long just in case of asbestosis or lead/mercury contamination

  2. Great for documentation of the past. But we need your description in order to make sense of it.

    1. The equipment is classified as heritage. Yet, it is left out in the open like a piece of junk.

  3. There is nothing more photogenic than old, rusting machinery. Your dredge photo is a perfect example. I am also impressed by your drone photo of the landscape in the late afternoon with all those long shadows.

  4. I've never heard the term dredge and dragline. Interesting. Sometimes it's just better to shoot alone.

    1. Yeah, I am spoiled to have Joel coming along to coast every time

  5. I lived in Bendigo and loved showing the children the historical architecture, mines etc. But I am with Joel about rustic.

  6. It's good to be curious about the past. That second photo shows a spread of beautiful land.

  7. A good place to live, Melbourne is not far away, especially for Australia's distances...
    Good shots!

  8. Dos imágenes preciosas y viéndolas no me extraña el amor que tienes a ese lugar.


  9. The colors and shadows in these photos are extraordinary!!

  10. Speaking theoretically and if life were different, I would probably be interested in going with you.

  11. Anything captured with love becomes very beautiful!
    I love the colors!

  12. Two excellent photos! Do you have a drone? That second photo showed a wonderful view from high up. I like old rusty things, even when I was young and not rusty, they appealed to me, LOL!

  13. Beautiful landscape, stretching as far as the eye can see.

  14. Love the long shadows on the drone picture. By the way, Saturday's mountain was Mt. Adams. Sunday's is Mt. St. Helens. As always, thanks for your nice words!

  15. Son tan bellos los paisajes, que no sabría cual escoger.

  16. What struck me about this picture were the shadows - lots and lots of shadows.

  17. Those are wonderful photos! Both perfect for the shadows too!

  18. Great shots, James. It's amazing how much history we are losing as it is left out to rust or be picked off by scavengers. Old buildings too are torn down and skyscrapers go up. I'm a 20th century person trying to make sense of the nonsense of the 21st century. Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.


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