Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Old Chinese painting passed on in the family


I have a large family. Over 200 cousins that I could not count them all. It has been 3 years since I return to Taiwan. There were many wonderful items passed down the family tree. This was one of them. 

I am not sure if this was a real painting or a fake one. The dress code was from Manchurian period with a pig tail. Quite a scenic background too. There is a lot of western painting influence for this one.

Linking Tom's Treasure Tuesday


  1. Replies
    1. The technique to paint a waterfall is probably rare in these days

  2. I wish all families kept their photos, complete with names and dates. The grandchildren will love them.

    1. True memories. Only when I get older, I start to appreciate family photos more

  3. That is a lot of cousins! The painting is wonderful.

  4. Big family indeed. :) The painting is very nice, I like the background.

  5. That's a fascinating painting and whether it is a real painting or not real, because it was passed down in your family makes it priceless.

  6. That's a huge family. I like the painting itself but the figure looks a bit angry.

  7. What a treasure. Old or not, it's a beautiful painting -- there are stories in that scene. And wonderful to be part of your family.

  8. Creo que no llegue ni a la cuarta parte de primos que tienes tu, ya que desconozco los primos de una esposa anterior a mi abuela de mi abuelo materno.
    El cuadro me parece impresionantemente bello.


  9. It is a family heirloom, and priceless! Will you hang it somewhere?

  10. I love art!! And to have it passed down in family makes it all the more special!

  11. That seems like art with a definite purpose--- to motivate some sort of action.

  12. Wow, you do have a big family. Beautiful painting. Take care, have a wonderful day!

  13. Great family and the attitude of the person in the painting is more in the style of communist propaganda of the post-WW II era. Very intimidating.

  14. My family is very small. I don’t have contact with the distant relations that remain.

  15. Over 200 cousins is very impressive. I have 14 and no contact to either one anymore (I´m in the middle, age-wise). Art-wise I goo with s.c.!

  16. That's what I'd call a really big family! I love the painting. It's a great family heirloom.

  17. What a wonderful possession to have been handed down. So many family members, wow. That would be such a fun get together. Thank you for sharing at Pictorial Tuesday.


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