Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Night light up at Sorrento Melbourne for Tom's Treasure Tuesday


I always wanted to do this shot with a puddle reflection, but I never got around to it. however, mission half accomplished when I drove through the Sorrento on the weekend.

Glad that I stopped nearby and took this shot.

Sony A7RV 

FE 14mm f1.8 GM

Linking Tom's Treasure Tuesday


  1. The lights at night are so pretty, great photo! Enjoy your day!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Ginny. I am still working on the full-blown reflection shot of this in puddles

  3. Una bonita iluminación parcialmente reflejada en un charco de agua.
    Algo parecido me ocurre a mi con una ladera de hayas que no logro hacer una foto toda ella predominando el color rojo en sus hojas.


    1. That is the style I want to achieve. But I am too lazy to buy some mineral water to pour on the road.

  4. Very cool! I like this photo a lot. Thanks for sharing it at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2023/01/sunflower-seed-bread.html

  5. Interesting images--- I expect John Williams' alien communication music from Close Encounters at any moment.

  6. Hay que aprovechar el momento, aunque tenga que detenerse antes de llegar al destino. Ahora te tienes que alegrar con la genial foto que has conseguido.

  7. ...I'm glad that you stopped by too, beautiful.

  8. How neat to get that effect on the spinning wheel. It’s the type of shot that most of us would like to get at elast once — and won’t. 🥸

  9. Fantastic Low Light Photography! You´ve managed to get that moving car in the pic as well. Nice little bonus.

  10. beautiful light, make city lives at night....
    an excellent shot


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