Thursday, December 22, 2022

Creek in Gippsland, Victoria, Australia


Water can be so soothing. Xmas is truly a silly mad season. After a spiraling runs of various health issues affecting mum and me, my buddy is going through a crisis in marriage...

It is easier to sit by the creek away from the world

Sony A7RIV

FE 16-35mm f2.8 GM

Linking Wordless Wednesday


  1. Cuando hay problemas, parece que se sienten más en esa fechas. Por muy duros que sean, siempre hay que mirar hacia adelante.
    Me gusta ese bello paisaje y especialmente el efecto de seda del agua.

  2. I agree, creeks can be so calming and soothing. The water here looks like silk, so beautiful.

  3. ...never a good time for problem, but is even a worst time.

  4. We all could use a special place to sit and relax.

  5. Beautiful photograph. I feel a sense of the magical in the mistiness surrounding the water.

  6. Hello,
    Pretty scene with the creek and greenery. I do like listening to the sound of water. Have a wonderful holiday week, Merry Christmas!

    1. Sounds of creek water flow and rainy days are most soothing for me

  7. In times of anxiety, there is nothing as soothing as trickling water, beautiful sunshine and fresh smelling vegetation.

  8. It is very beautiful picture to see
    Merry Christmas

    1. Thank you, Mikael. Water is good as long as there is no mosquitoes

  9. Beautiful, there is nothing better and more relaxing than being surrounded by nature and above all an as...

  10. Tough times seem magnified at this time of year, but I hope you experience some peace of mind.

  11. Espero que estés bien. Te deseo una feliz Navidad con salud y amor. Besos.

  12. Yes, we all need these moments being away from the world! Especially like it, when it's a beautiful place like this:) Thanks for sharing, Emille

  13. It's good to do just that-- but when you get to be a certain age, with all of your family and most of your friends gone-- You will miss the problems. Merry Christmas, mate!

  14. I am not really a fan of Christmas, it reminds me of the things I am missing :,,-( BUT I need to do it for my daughter! Sorry to hear of you and your mum's troubles and your friend. I hope all will be okay.

    Great photo :-D

  15. Una foto de una gran belleza la que nos traes hoy.
    Espero que todos esos problemas se resuelvan pronto. Mi madre solía decir en esos casos "cuando Dios esta por (fastidiar) hasta los santos le ayudan", puse fastidiar entre paréntesis porque ella decía otra palabra que no me parece oportuna.



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