Friday, December 23, 2022

Bendigo Christmas Lights in regional weatherboard house


Well, it is a bit of stretch that one may spot some clouds and sky above the obvious. It is actually less than a block from where I live in Bendigo - a regional centre

However, there is no crowds in the street! I enjoy this for quite a while before I go to bed.

Sony A7RV

FE 24mm f1.4 GM

I spotted this while I was living in a motel for a hospital contract work. Very cool!

Linking Skywatch Friday


  1. Replies
    1. Well as long as I do not get robbed in the worst suburb in Bendigo

  2. A very Christmas house... and a good tribute to the king of the soul

  3. I am sure that you still enjoy them, but Christmas lights must not have quite the same effect when you are in your lightest time of year. We need them in our dark days, however. My grandfather had a brother who migrated to NZ. As a kid not knowing about hemispheres and earth’s orbit, it used to fascinate me that those distant cousins could go swimming on Christmas Day.

  4. Las luces de Navidad, están bien visibles en esa casa. Sus adornos y luces se divisa por todo su alrededor.

  5. I love the Christmas lights each year.People are so inventive.

  6. A wonderful Christmas lighting
    we cannot use our Christmas lights this Christmas
    Electricity is too expensive for us
    Merry Christmas

  7. Very cool song - and happy christmas to you. #Skywatch

  8. A nicely decorated house and a very cool song,

  9. I love your photo, you worked the whole spectrum of light, dark to light, and all sorts of color.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  10. The sky watch capture is very pretty, but I also looked at your side bar trip - awesome - in which country is this?

  11. I worked for two years in Bendigo and loved it. I loved Ballarat too, but not Ballarat's winter.

  12. Fantastic Low Light Photography! I wish Merry X-mas to you and yours.

  13. Wonderful! Happy Holidays! And Happy New Year to you and your loved ones.

  14. Great song. I love the Christmas lights and decorations! Merry Christmas to you and your family! Wishing you all the best in 2023!

  15. Very nice display and enjoyed the music. Alana

  16. lovely Christmas lights....
    Thank you for sharing video

  17. A la hora que tu estas viendo esas luces aquí estamos cenando con doce horas aproximadamente. Feliz navidad.



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