Monday, May 6, 2024

Hosier Lane Melbourne for Mural Monday


He is quite popular as an emu artist lately.

Sony A7RV

FE 50mm f1.2 GM

I am so looking forward to coming home to Melbourne later this week. I am missing out mushroom season and autumn leaves turning there. 

Linking Mural Monday


  1. Replies
    1. Definitely no. I forgot his name as he told me on the spot

  2. Are they mirror glasses? Cool mural! Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

  3. Another different photo!
    It is important that the photographer is in the right place at the right time!

  4. I prefer Melbourne during beach weather, but if you are a footy fan, this is an exciting time of year :)

  5. Always fun to see an artist at work. I know how it feels to miss home. The changing leaves and mushrooms are what I enjoy in the Fall. I hope you are not too late for their peak time.

  6. You caught him putting a finishing touch on his mural. Well done.

  7. Ah, the emu man. I've taken photos of a few of his works over the years. The eyes in this work look very interesting.

  8. Good to see you captured the artist at work!

  9. The artist doing his art, nice capture there.
    Safe journey home.

  10. I met a very famous graffiti artist just over a week ago. He was filming his work. I stopped for a chat and a few photos. When I came home I realised that I had shot my photos without remembering to turn on the autofocus. Went back the day after, already painted over. Nice portrait here.

  11. You were at the right place at the right time to get the artist at work. Nice mural. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

  12. Great portrait of that artist. I like it.

  13. Pudiste captar al artista en pleno trabajo.


  14. It's always fund to catch the artist at work.
