Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Pesgrave Place Sign/Art for Sign2


The article is more about people's representatives are mere puppets of power faceless people. The sticker message on the other hand is an impossible dream. 

Sony A7RV

FE 50mm f1.2 GM

Eating a lot of shaved ice here to alleviate the heat. No fun. 

Linking Sign2


  1. How awful. Also, I hope there is somewhere air conditioned you can go to get relief from the heat.

  2. El cartel por lo que nos dices nos hace un buen retrato de la clase política.
    Creo se podía tomar el hielo con té o café.


  3. Oh my goodness, that's quite a horrible sign. Shaved ice sounds like a good way to cool down!

  4. That is a strong accusation which needs evidence to believe. It true it needs to be eliminated. If not, the message can be ignored. This requires critical thinking.

  5. I'm not sure what evidence there is of cops being sex traffickers.

  6. Who or what promoted the anti-police notice? Is Pesgrave Place becoming a site for information that cannot be revealed in newspapers and TV?

  7. Someone has it in for the Police. Not a nice sign but it's good you took a photo and showed us.

  8. If it is true, sounds awful! Take care, have a great day!

  9. Interesting and horrible. It's good to document such things.

  10. Political signs and comments are always fascinating. I wonder what experience prompted this comment. I'm worried about a tyrant being installed here in the US!
