Saturday, May 25, 2024

Galah for Saturday Critter


I haven't done much photography on birds lately. 

Galah is very loud. They always wake me up every morning. 

I would be on the flight back to Melbourne now. (I have to wake up at 2 am in the morning to catch the flight). 

Linking Saturday Critter


  1. There was a time in my life when I had trouble sleeping. Before I took up photography and cycling. One Summer morning I walked out and started screaming at the birds, I wanted them to stop singing! Nice shot here.

  2. ...unlike Stefan, I don't want the birds to stop singing.

  3. I think I have read that they will talk as well. Of course, they need to be around humans and coached.

  4. The galah may be loud, but it's also beautiful. I hope that you have a good flight home, Roentare!

  5. I think everyone likes to see bird photos.

  6. This bird does not want you to oversleep. It looks stunning, and smart.

  7. Beautiful parrot.
    Once upon a time in the family we had one who talked!!
    She often said the name of the first owner!

  8. I would love to hear the Galah, beautiful bird.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your critter post. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend. PS, thanks so much for leaving me a comment.

  9. The galah may be thinking about you, as you fly off home. Be safe!

  10. Such a wonderful shot of this bird. Get some sleep when you get home.

  11. He does look loud...just looking at him! I hope you've had a good trip!

  12. Este ave al menos te obsequio con una bonita pose como diciendo que no es ella la que te despierta.


  13. Really nice photo of a beautiful bird. After going to a sight that has many audios available of this bird's sounds, it isn't bad, except when it goes into a frenzy of loud sounds. Then it is a bit hard to handle.


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