Tower Hill is always windy. The central island is quite special acting as a good foreground for the shot
Linking Skywatch Friday
Tower Hill is always windy. The central island is quite special acting as a good foreground for the shot
Linking Skywatch Friday
Just in time coming back to Melbourne stormy weather. A nice stormy weather before sunrise in Melbourne North.
There are 1 giga of travel photos in my hard disc. I gonna process them gradually over time. Funny that I received a call from my good pal for a nice Japanese dinner in the city. It is true that friends are older the better. I miss the home feeling.
Sony A7RIV
FE 70-200mm f2.8 GM
Linking Skywatch Friday
Hofbräuhaus Melbourne is the iconic location that serves black beer and pork sausages. My Jewish pal loves the location very much that I always get dragged here for his feast.
The vibe at night is always something special. Maybe it is because the place carries so much memory in it.
Panasonic G9
Leica 12-60mm f2.8-4
Weather is getting quite cold. -2 degree Celsius almost every night. Walking in the ankle deep sea water on the beach rocks is really designed for iron man or iron woman.
Normally one would come up a poem for this image. I just like to ponder on a view like this. No words.
Sony A7RIV
FE 70-200mm f2.8 GM