Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Pulpit Rock for Treasure Tuesday


Joel and I went to Cape Schanck on the weekend. It was a good trip that we both got different shots different from the one shown above. It was medium high tide at the location. Joel was almost engulfed by the rogue wave 2 metres above him. It was a shocker

Sony A7RV

FE 16-35mm f2.8 

Linking Treasure Tuesday


  1. I'm glad Joel was okay after that big wave. Sounds scary (in my head anyhow). I used to love exploring rock pools. This is a great photo!

  2. A perfect angle to photograph the rock.
    You need to be careful on rocks at ocean beaches.

  3. That's beautiful. Great image.
    Thank you for joining us this week at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2024/08/from-pennsylvania-academy-of-fine-arts.html

  4. I think I can see why it has this name. The moss adds some pretty color, too.

  5. A beautiful landscape! I am glad Joel escaped the rogue wave. Take care, have a great day!

  6. It's amazing how quickly those rogue waves can catch a person. I hope he didn't get too wet. Great shot.

  7. Great shot. You guys must be careful, you don't want to get seriously hurt.

  8. Such stark but beautiful scenery - and with rogue waves. Gives me chills.

  9. Un bonito lugar donde disfrutar con el paisaje aunque parece que hay que tomar precauciones.


  10. Amazing shot and glad to hear Joel OK and that the wave did not create havoc.
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