Saturday, August 10, 2024

Black-kneed Conehead for Saturday Critter


I saw this critter in Taiwan. Next to a street joint selling rice snack.

Linking Saturday Critter

I got my CT lumbar spine and pelvis back. No malignancy of any sorts. But I have extensive moderate arthritis affecting multiple levels including foraminal narrowing. I am depressed by the result. These are incidental findings not to my liking. I will work on my fitness routine once muscle tear heals. 


  1. Hopefully you will be able to deal with it sending you big hugs.

    That is a gorgeous little critter, look at that eye stunning. Great insect :-D

  2. I have this diagnosis. there are injections that help, also meds and patches. A doctor who is a pain specialist can work wonders. This bug looks like a cross between a cricket and a grasshopper.

  3. Visto de cerca, se aprecia muy bien los detalles.
    Feliz fin de semana.

  4. Great close-up photo. I'm glad it was sitting on a leaf and not in the rice snack!

  5. Extraño saltamontes aunque muy colorido. Cuidate, los problemas de columnas no se deben dejar de pasar.

  6. Great insect. It looks like it might sing or chirp. I'm enjoying the morning symphony of insects each day here in NJ.

  7. Great close up, or should I say macro. Not great news for you. It's all about building up muscles for support now.

  8. What a great looking grasshopper. I'm not familiar with this kind. Good news that you have no cancer. The arthritis can be improved as can the depression. Try a mixture of long walks and sweet desserts. They might help, or not, but at least you would be enjoying yourself.

  9. Well, good news there was no malignancy at least. Wish you luck in finding the right exercises etc and hope you'll feel better soon. - Impressive photo!

  10. Yes---- a grasshopper is what he looks like. Keep active when you can. But you know that. Do not become impatient with your body.

  11. What a fascinating find with the Black-kneed Conehead!
    I’m sorry to hear about your CT results. It’s good there’s no malignancy, though.
    Wishing you a speedy recovery and a successful return to your fitness routine!

  12. Awesome closeup! I wish you a speedy recovery!
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  13. Lovely Macro.
    Well, most people have arthritis of some kind and at any age as well. You take care of yourself.

  14. Macro shots of insects are always a delight. Sorry to learn of your compromised health; hopefully things will improve.

  15. You got a great close up and it's good that you could ID it!

  16. Great macro.
    Hope your muscle tear heals soon.

  17. How you get this detail I'll never know. But so impressive.

  18. Me parece que es de la misma familia de los saltamontes y cigarras, lograste un primer plano genial.
    Espero tu dolencia salga adelante.


  19. Vibrant colors - beautiful creature, well photographed!
    Thanks for sharing with all of us. Be well!

  20. Hello :=)
    What a fabulous close up of the cricket Black-kneed Conehead. Get well soon.

  21. It's always cool to discover new species. I'm sorry to hear about your health results. It's tough news to receive. You'll get through this!


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