Sunday, January 7, 2024

Elephant Mountain for Sunday Best


Despite this is called a mountain, it is pretty much a small hill. The bump serves a good foreground interest in astrolandscape. I guess this is a scouting attempt before Milkyway season comes this year. 

DJ Mini Pro4

I am drastically preparing for my work next week. It has been 2 months since last time I left the town. 

Linking Sunday Best and Shadow Sunday


  1. ...this would be the best, any day of the week.

  2. Beautiful landscape! Have a great week, safe travels.

  3. La panorámica es espléndida, con los diferentes matices decolores del terreno y además bien contractado, con ese hermoso cielo.
    Que tengas un buen viaje. Un abrazo.

  4. Enjoy your time away for your job as much as possible.

    1. My time away is also working. Just finding time to take shots

  5. Mountain or small hill. All in the eyes of the beholder!

  6. A beautiful shot and I wish you a good work trip.

  7. Gran panorámica y contraste de colores. En grande se ve espectacular.
    Buen fin de semana.
    Un abrazo.

  8. Lots of our mountains are hills in most other countries. What a dramatic landscape -- enjoy your time away.

  9. Is that Mount Elephant with Derrinallum and the Western Highway nearby?

    1. Yes! I am contemplating to come in the winter days for Milkyway shot

  10. That is stunning. Love it. Good luck for work :-D

  11. Be it mountain or hill, it makes a good photograph.

    All the best Jan

  12. I looked at the hill and saw a hamburger ~ lol! I really have supper on my mind. I'm glad you're finding some time to take shots, Roentare! Don't work too hard!

  13. Looks good and it's amazing what they call at mountain.

  14. Keep your bedside manner polished, and try not to doze off. Not much of a mountain, by the way.

  15. Bella fotografía en panorámica.
    Muchos besos.

  16. Like a elephant crouched down! Lovely photo. Such a sky! When the land around is all flat, I guess it can be a mountain! If it's the one I looked up, it's an extinct volcano? Then, that is a mountain!

  17. A very nice shot and I love all those fluffy clouds.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ☺

  18. Very interesting photos!

    You have linked up more than once over the past few weeks and I do not know if you know this that you added your URL to a music hop. Generally, that's what were looking for. If it's not there, then your link gets labeled as "No Music". A simple fix is for that is to include YT video somewhere in your post. :) We certainly appreciate the interest and hope you'll consider boogieing with us!

  19. I really have never gone any where, but the U.S. (and not to many places here either). It's a shame too I always wanted to travel.

  20. This is so awesome, never seen this before.
    I visited you via The Good. The Random. The Fun. v 2
    My links: 36+37. We will be honored if you share your links with us at SeniorSalonPitStop and #WordlessWednesday. Links under BLOGGING.

  21. Thanks so much for participating and sharing at SSPS 292. See you again next week! Please come and also participate at #WW (Words also welcome) Wednesday to Saturday.

  22. It looks like an ancient burial mound... Best of luck in your work travels. Maybe catch up for a coffee next time you're in town. Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.


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