Thursday, February 2, 2023

Pulpit Rock, Cape Schanck, Mornington Peninsula, Melbourne


Last weekend, we just had to get out of the house despite a stormy gloomy weather. It was mainly the stairs and steps I want to do to get my metabolism going. 

Spam filter here is getting to me again. So, I am trapped in this never ending gotcha moment proving I am not a robot. Sometimes I do feel that I am a robot in this capitalistic world.

Sony A7RV

FE 16-35mm f2.8 GM

Linking Randomosity


  1. Maybe it's the long exposure but the water around the rocks look so misty. I enjoyed the effect. And oh, how I hate those captchas. Alana

  2. That's a fabulous photo, quite magical! The problem I have is people that I know popping into my spam folder. I have to check every day, sometimes my own comments will appear there a month later too.

  3. Hello,
    Great photo, beautiful coastal scene. Take care, have a great day!

  4. Well, if you are a robot, you are the most artistic one I know! The water looks like smoke and fog here.

  5. Me gusta el efecto que tiene el agua en la fotografía. espero que se publique mi comentario y no vaya a parar a la lista de spam. Diariamente tengo que revisar los comentarios de mi blog, porque más de una vez me he encontrado comentarios de amigos, que han ido a parar a esa lista.

  6. Spam, spam spam, bacon and spam. I always enjoy your long exposure photos.

  7. What a beautiful shot. Blogger used to be easy to use and WordPress difficult. Now blogger is difficult and WordPress is simple.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  8. It is a beautiful scene. I recently had a bout of choosing traffic lights/bicycles/bridges etc. Annoying it is.

  9. You and 3 other folks from Oz seem to wind up in my spam filter from time to time. I check it 3 times a day.

  10. Great shot with that steamy or fogging rocks. That ask for some think work of the brain of the photographer. Well done.

  11. Nice photo. Oddly enough, I am seldom required to prove my humanity to Google.

  12. I love your long exposures. I know -- sometimes I feel like R2D2 when I get the robot thing!

  13. A beautiful photograph.

    Blogger seems to have many glitches at the moment.

    All the best Jan


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