Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Toucheng Old Street Facade for Sign2


This is an abandoned old street left from Japanese occupation era. 

The words on both sides of the entrance say

Exploding crackers get rid of old wax

Cherry Blossoms in the cold bring the spring 

Sony A7RV

FE 20-70mm f4 G

This is linking Sign2


  1. Those words make no sense to me. The doors remind me of the ones on saloons in the old wild west.

  2. I am so glad you translated the writing. I was going to ask you what they said. Thank you! A lovely old doorway!

  3. A bit like the Google translate results I get sometimes.

  4. The sayings seem to not match, but I guess handmade firecrackers would get rid of old wax. It is nice that you have the translations. A very interesting door to photograph.

  5. Your former country is never really mentioned in Australia's war history. I'm not sure I like the first saying, but the second one is certainly true.

  6. Thank you for the translation of these signs. This doorway looks really ancient.

  7. The door tells its story, or the story it wishes it had.
    Thanks for the translation!

  8. Interesting text. Old space, but still with charm!
    Happy WW Roentare!

  9. A lot of people have been through those doors I reckon. Nice shot.

  10. Me supongo que por calle vieja nos quieras decir que pertenece al casco antiguo de esa ciudad, ya que los letreros me parecen bien conservados al contrario de las puertas exteriores.
    El significado de los letreros entiendo mejor el de los cerezos ya que su floración nos indica el comienzo de la primavera, lo de las galletas explosivas me tiene intrigado.


  11. Well, the two phrases DO give one something to ponder. Especially exploding crackers.

  12. I was going to ask what the characters said. I'm not sure that I'm very much wiser for your translation!

  13. For those signs you definitely need an interpreter. Thanks for that.

  14. This is handsome. I like the words as well.

  15. A lovely old doorway.
    Many thanks for the translation.

    All the best Jan

  16. The doorway is magnificent, Roentare! The cracker/wax saying made me laugh!


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