Sunday, September 17, 2023

Saltworks at Lake Tyrrell for Sunday Best


Third time in this location along the unsealed road of Salt works Rd. Many hares manically running away from me as I approached the lake side. I was meaning to go to a site with abandoned tractor coated by thick pink salt. I decided not to do that because of risk of being sand bombed. 

Sony A7RV

FE 14mm f1.8 GM

Summer is definitely here. Time to get physical and lose some weight. Gonna start intermittent fasting again. 

Linking Sunday Best


  1. Muy bonita con ese primer plano de un resto de árbol seco.

  2. Es un acierto la composición, con el primer plano de ese árbol seco.
    Un abrazo

    1. I knew the tree branch over the years. I photographed it differently.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, Ginny. I don't have any spaces on the wall anymore.

  4. Fasting. Never tried that. Long bike rides would probably be better for you.

  5. I can certainly see the pink hues in the photo. You must return and show us the pink tractor.

  6. I love that pink haze on the horizon. Echoing Andrew about the pink tractor.

  7. Nature is such an amazing artist!
    Lovely photo, Roentare!

  8. What a pretty scene, the colors look lovely. Take care, have a great day and happy new week!

  9. A beautiful artistic image
    I have been trying to reduce my weight
    but it's not going so well for me even though I'm out and walking a lot in nature

  10. A beautiful piece of driftwood. We are going into our cold part of the year here in the Northern Hemisphere, full of ice and snow, but first the beauty of fall. Alana

  11. A very nice image, I do like the colours.
    Intermittent fasting can work well, but not always easy.

    All the best Jan

  12. Por un momento pensé que el árbol se encontraba en un pantano vacío, pero parece ser se encuentra en un lago salado.
    La foto de 11 como mínimo sobre diez.


  13. Where the driftwood is beached on the sand... very haunting.

  14. Rather bleak, but quite striking, and it reminds me of the views on some of the remote lakeshores of Salt Lake City in the USA. Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.


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