Thursday, September 21, 2023

Pinnacles Milkyway Bow for Water H2O Thursday


This was what Joel and I were up to last weekend. New moon. Zero cloud for 5 seconds though. It was after a hike elsewhere on Phillip Island. Then we had fish n chips before coming up here for a milkyway bow.

Light pollution is seen on the right. Thanks for the urban sprawl into this once peaceful island. 

Sony A7RV

FE 14mm f1.8 GM (this is a stitch up of 4 vertical frames)

Linking Water H2O Thursday

Just got back from a 9 hour drive from Moulamein. So buggered. Needs rest. 


  1. Replies
    1. That was a figure of speech. It did not last long as the dark cloud cover came across very quickly

  2. Replies
    1. I am aiming to trial another area this weekend. Good luck to me.

  3. Replies
    1. That is very kind of you to say. It was a good work out getting there.

  4. Oh my gosh!!! This is totally stunning! Your photos should be published in a book!

  5. Replies
    1. I do wonder why I wanted to do that at all. Just for some income.

  6. The perfect shot. Wow. Beautiful.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  7. Estupenda fotografía nocturna, muy buen trabajo.


  8. Bravo! One of the best stargazing pictures I've seen!

  9. Realmente hermoso el trabajo fotográfico que has hecho. Mis felicitaciones por tu gran labor.
    Un abrazo

  10. Gorgeous capture of the milky way. Take care, have a great day!

  11. Another one of your incredible Wow photo's. Well done.

  12. Una gran captura lograda con poco tiempo,


  13. Light pollution is a huge problem for migrating birds for insects, and there are campaigns to try to get people to turn off their lights, but I don’t think people will do it sadly

  14. A bit of a shame about the light pollution but still an exceptional image.

  15. What a gorgeous shot, Roentare! Light pollution is really affecting our ability to see stars ~ not to mention what it is doing to animals!

  16. Fish and chips AND you got a shot like this?! What a perfect night. Thanks for sharing and for linking up.


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