Saturday, August 12, 2023

Ducklings Healesville for Saturday Critter


This is a lovely spotting before I visited Wildlife sanctuary in the region. At the time, I was using canon lens converter for Sony A7RIV. Canon lens tends to give yellow cast to the image which is impossible to remove in software. 

Sony A7RIV

Canon 300mm f4 

Linking Saturday Critter


  1. Esas crías , me resultan encantadoras.
    Feliz fin de semana

  2. New borns of all species are adorable. They only become difficult later on.

  3. They are so beautiful together
    I use the program gimp
    Gimp is pretty good at adjusting colors in hue and saturation

    1. It is not enough for hue adjustment with canon lenses usually.

  4. Cute little darlings! I doubt that the colour cast is anything to do with the lens. Was the camera set to Auto White Balance? If so then something has fooled the camera into making a false colour compensation. Try using manual settings for the camera's white balance when using this lens if it's a persistent problem. There are a number of ways to change the white balance in post, the most powerful and versatile seems to be to add a colour correction layer. Add the opposite colour, in this case blue. Where the cast is as bad as it is here I doubt that will completely solve the problem but it should improve matters. Good luck!

  5. The ducklings are so cute, adorable photo. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  6. Cute photo and it’s interesting what you said about the yellow hue. I have a Canon. I am going to have to take more notice of the same.

  7. Beautiful shot of the cute subjects! The yellow cast may be linked to the white balance settings.

  8. Aun con ese color amarillo es una foto preciosa al igual que esos patitos.


  9. I like the effect of the yellow tint! They are very precious!

  10. Sweet little critters in identical poses. The exposure certainly makes them stand out
