Thursday, July 6, 2023

Ishizuka Melbourne Cuisine for Randomosity


Expensive meal for Joel's Birthday. We were still hungry afterwards, so we went to a dumpling alley. 

I realised the photos would be buried in my hard drive forever after the occasion. I might as well post them here like a diary. 

Sony A7RV + FE 24mm f1.4 GM

This is Joel and I 

Linking Randomosity and FACE OFF


  1. No me extraña, que se saliera con hambre. La comida que había en los platos se veía bastante escasa y no porque no cupiera en los recipientes en los que lo servían, que por cierto eran bastante grande.
    Un abrazo

  2. Hello,
    It does look like art! Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. There were more dishes than that. Just enjoying the evening.

  3. The plates are art! But they sure would not fill you up. It is good to see you!

  4. Replies
    1. It was a hat restaurant a rating system similar to Michelin Star

  5. Minute portions, perfectly designed and expensive! Keep them for the photos while you eat happily elsewhere :)

  6. I don't eat much but I think I might have also needed a dumpling or two after that meal.

  7. I really do understand that it is art-- both in its preparation and in its presentation. I'd prefer a big plate of Thai or Szechuan. Or maybe simple Mexican. But that's just me. I hope his birthday was excellent!

    1. Me too. You seem to enjoy spicy stuff as well. I love chili.

  8. A special meal for Joel's birthday it seems.
    I looked as the photos appeared and immediately thought that's expensive each course, but certainly well presented.
    Lovely photos.

    1. One of the bonus in Melbourne is to access exotic stuff

  9. That looks like a great celebratory meal.

  10. I love the photos and seeing you. It definitely won't fill you up but boy, it looks gorgeous. (Did you go out for ice cream after?) Happy Birthday to Joel!

  11. Looks like a meal fitting for a birthday celebration but I think I would have to have something to eat later on. Nice photos and happy birthday to Joel.

  12. Nice photo of you both. The meal looks very elegant.

  13. Wow! What a treat of a meal. A very nice photo and belated happy birthday to Joel. Thank youfor sharing with FFO and have a great weekend.

  14. Este tipo de comida es de gran calidad y sabor, pero no llena mucho. Lo único que llena es la nota con su valor al final.


  15. Beautiful photos, but those were very tiny looking portions to me. I hope there were enough courses to fill you in the end.

    Enjoyed seeing your faces as you enjoyed your meal.

  16. There is something about expensive that seems to dictate tiny servings ... never quite understood it unless you are paying for the opportunity to say that you have tasted the tiny delicacies. So Happy Birthday to Joel and I am glad you at the sense to go eat where there was food :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol


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