I was in Nyah Westing visiting a regular nursing home. It was literally frosty everywhere I walked. The typical morning glory
Sony A7RV
FE 135mm f1.8 GM
Linking Sunday Best
I was in Nyah Westing visiting a regular nursing home. It was literally frosty everywhere I walked. The typical morning glory
Sony A7RV
FE 135mm f1.8 GM
Linking Sunday Best
My buddy separated from his spouse from last weekend. We drove around the burbs of Melbourne all the way to King Lake National Park. King lake national park has no lake whatsoever. Then we go through Kangaroo Ground to Sugarloaf for some dam shots.
We spotted this tin cottage in the hills. So nice to look at.
Sony A7RV
FE 70-200mm f2.8 GM
Linking Sunday Best