Clams bake and grill Sign
This sort of game is popular in Asia
Calamari roast
Strolling through a night vendor market is not particularly conducive to weight loss. However, I take great pleasure in wandering through such places, camera in hand, with my wide-angle lens capturing the lively atmosphere. To avoid the incessant nuisance of scam calls, I make use of a different SIM card while abroad.
Despite my travels overseas, Joel remains in regular contact with me via Signal. He appears rather enthusiastic about the prospect of starting his own podcast, though I sincerely hope he does not. His intensely private nature is well-founded, and only a true friend could engage with his perspectives without passing judgment.
Street photography serves as a sport for me, and as such, my frames often include various signs encountered along the way.
Sony A7RV
FE 14mm f1.8 GM
Linking Sign2
I am currently enjoying the third season of The White Lotus and have reached the fourth episode. Additionally, I am planning an overnight trip to Shifen, a region renowned for its picturesque waterfall and vibrant night market. However, as my mobile plan is limited to only one gigabyte of data per month, I must rely on public Wi-Fi to access the blog.