Monday, July 18, 2022

Warburton Creek


A bit Zen, right?

Love the tone in this place. In summer, this spot would be filled with fierce mosquitoes everywhere. 

Sony A7RIV 

FE 14mm f1.8 GM

This place is so dark I dont even need a neutral density filter



  1. You shoot beautiful photographs with such rich colors and beautiful light. I like the textures and reflections in this shot, and the slow shutter speed gives the water drama. Thank you for the kind comment on my shot of Dignity, Dale Lamphere's sculpture.

    1. You are so kind to offer such a generous compliment. Photography can be so soothing for me for so long. I made many friends through this hobby too

  2. Has captado muy bien la luz, con esa velocidad lenta, eso es la ventaja que tiene ir cargado con el trípode. Las aguas del arroyo parecen de seda.
    Que tengas una buena semana..

  3. Truly appreciating your time and effort to check out all my posts! Really kind of you

  4. What a beautiful image, it looks like a painting.
    Have a wonderful week.


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