Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Pesgrave Place Sign for Sign 2


A little wild. 

The rainy monsoon season is too much for me here. Trying to sort out Mum's family affairs is not exactly easy either. 

At various government departments today, most public servants I met tried to encourage me to move money back into the country etc. I don't even have any income here and barely spend time at all. why would I want to do that? 

Sony A7RV

FE 35mm f1.4 GM

Linking Sign 2 and FACE OFF


  1. They must have their own motives for wanting you to do this. The sign reminds me of the 1960's era.

  2. These are powerful signs with disturbing images. Sorry you have to deal with your Mum's family affairs. That is never easy no matter where you live.

  3. Maybe the more money in the country, the more money there is to pay their wages and pension schemes.

    1. For their own PKI I guess. I could not care less. I just want things done and sorted so I can get back home

  4. Dealing with wills and investments is so painful and conflictful. Worse still, it often takes a _very_ long :(

  5. The sign takes me back to the advent of graffiti!

  6. Trying to get business I suppose.
    Don't get too stressed about what you are doing there.
    Take care.

  7. Curioso el cartel que nos dejas aunque alguien dejo su firma por allí.
    Entiendo que vives fuera del país donde reside tu madre y quizás tener una cuenta bancaria te sería beneficioso a la hora de hacer ciertos pagos. También te diré al menos con nuestra entidad bancaría sucedió, nos cobraban comisión al estar viviendo entonces en Alemania pero realizaba los pagos desde una oficina de la localidad de otro banco español alegando moneda extranjera siendo ya el Euro moneda europea. Yo decía a los empleados de la entidad bancaria de la comunidad de vecinos que con el Euro era igual que lo mandaría o viviera en Burgos- España o Hamburgo- Alemania.


    1. The pain is palpable. Different rules and laws in different country. Not to mention the bribes I have to make to get things happen.

  8. Seeing some of the comments on the sign reminded me of the greatest single bit of graffiti I ever saw-- it was about 60 years ago in the men's room of a pizzeria next to the University of California Campus-- "Socrates eats Hemlock". Timeless and pure.

  9. I know from own experience its a big burden. Hope it will be soon over.

  10. That is a crazy sign. I have been going through the same estate things as you. Just keep going as you think is best.

  11. Nice -Christine

  12. Sending you best wishes and aloha at this challenging time. Warmly,

  13. Ohhhh I love this so much. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a great weekend.

  14. That's quite a sign, Roentare! It took me a moment to realize she was holding a rabbit which is a contrast with the rest of the signs in the image.
