Sunday, July 29, 2012

Port Fairy, Victoria, Australia

I recalled this place being really wonderful: the end of drive of great ocean road, Victoria, Australia. This is the nearest spot before reaching Warrnambool - the city that I might work in the following year. 
The water here looks so tranquil and peaceful. In fact, there is all deadly rifts underneath. Still with this wonderful cover of magic hour lighting.

Taken by Canon 50mm f1.2L

Really cyan blue everywhere I see. This was really a moment.

Taken by Canon 24mm f1.4L


  1. These are superb photos, James! The top one reminds me of an area used for a James Bond movie shoot. Fantastic colors and light!

  2. Beautiful pictures day and night. Those are huge rocks in the middle of the ocean.

  3. Great photos, great blog. Now I just need to work out how to follow you...:-)

  4. Hi!

    I really love the pictures, this place is indeed so beautiful, the sand looks very soft and fine.

  5. Hi James wow this is an amazing shots!! I so love it! Thanks for joining Water World Wednesday I do appreciate it. Hope to see you next week.

  6. The colours and mood are breathtaking. I especially like losing myself in the first photograph.


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