Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Creme Brulee

This desert was a great delight before I went to bed!

So wonderfully done


  1. My mouth is watering for dessert now, and it's only 10 a.m...

  2. At first sight I took, this for a painter's palette...

  3. LOL

    It did look like a painter's palette. I mistaken it as such when I first viewed this shot too

  4. You have whetted my appetite. Love the color!

  5. That is super yummy!! I am inviting you to join my Water World Wednesday hope to see you there. ^_^

  6. Oh la! that looks divine James, but it's nearly midnight here in Perth, tomorrow is another day oui!

  7. Late night, still with your camera "playing" with food before bed, now that is a luxury I can't imagine myself married with 2 kids and after 8 hours of lecture everyday ! cool life, enjoy it ! ... don't tell me, your wife is with you while you are with your camera "playing" with your dessert, then, I salute !

  8. This is undoubtedly my favourite dessert. Too bad there's just so little of it. The composition is brilliant but the harsh yellowish tones hurt my eyes a little.
