Friday, August 3, 2012

Grilled Ocean Trout flooded in lemon juice

The special of the day from a restaurant on Glenferrie st in Hawthorn

A lot of posh looking ladies trying to eat similar dish in there. This plate is full of lemon!!! So sour that I want to cry


  1. I am seeing this wonder at the right time of the day!

  2. Sorry about the overuse of lemon. Sometimes less is more! Looks very attractive, though.

  3. WoW! I love lemon & this looks very very very delicious! =)

  4. It may be too tart James, but you have to give it 10 out of 10 for presentation oui!

  5. Looks like it is soaking on a sea of lemon, too bad as it looks good. The same thing within Lemon Chicken when the Chef drowns them with really sour source !

  6. The fish looks so good. I'm sorry that it was too sour. A little lemon goes a long way.
    Thanks for commenting on my post. I'm glad it gave you some warmth and cheer while you are in your Winter season.
    I do forget that we are opposite temperature zones.
    Today the thermometer read 100F. I think that is 40C.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Thank you all for the kind visits. It is great to realise the fun of sharing photographs these days :)
