Thursday, June 6, 2024

Mount Sunday Edoras for Water H2O Thursday


I really missed New Zealand 

Linking Water H2O Thursday

Mum's mobile company just got sold to another one called Yana Amaysim. The name sounds like a scammer to me. She asked me to help her to verify the direct debit was still in place. I could not find the company on line until I break it up. The person on the phone sounds like a scammer too. 


  1. thanks

  2. Beautiful photo and stunning landscape.
    Greetings from far away Poland.

  3. Yo no suelo atender, las llamadas de desconocidos. Hay mucho fraude, en estos últimos tiempos.

    1. Most of the people I talked to had multiple scammer calls every day

  4. Replies
    1. Police would do nothing useful apart from giving you the dirty look

  5. Oh goodness, she should call her regular company and tell them. This photo is lovely, I adore the colors!

  6. Preciosa. Me gusta el contrates entre el ocre de las praderas y el blanco de la nieve.

    1. The alpine image is similar to all high attitude spots in the world I just realise.

  7. Beautiful photo. A friend just got scammed last month, she lost a bit of cash and is dealing with her bank. Good luck !

  8. I love your beautiful photograph and care about your mom's issue. Google fi is also a provider of Internet I believe. And of course, I'm sure you already checked out the company by searching it. You're a good sign. Thank you! Aloha!

    1. You are always kind to offer kind words. Only got one Mum.

  9. Looks good. I hope you get your mother's issue sorted.

  10. Beautiful. Wow.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ☺

  11. Hay muchos estafadores en estos tiempos. La fotografía es bonita. Un beso.

  12. That's a very peaceful stream.
    Amaysim has been around for years.

  13. Any chance you can switch your mom to another provider? And the colors here are beautiful.

  14. Marvelous photo!!
    The river and the mountain behind,
    like a painting from our childhood but with different colors!

  15. Replies
    1. I visited Mount Sunday during the drive between Mount Cook and Christchurch, which also included a stop at Lake Tekapo. All said and done, the detour added about 2 hours to our 4-hour drive, for a total of 6 hours of driving. No doubt a long travel day, but it was well worth it.

      Alternatively, you can simply visit Mount Sunday as a day trip from Christchurch. It’s roughly 2 hours from Christchurch to Mount Sunday by car, each way. In either case, the final hour of your journey to Edoras will take you down a long, seemingly endless gravel road.

  16. Lovely clear water there, nice capture too.
    That phone company is around, found it on the internet.

  17. Cheer up--- Everyone seems to feel that it isn't a scam. It's good to be wary, though.

  18. Gorgeous landscape! I hope all goes well for your Mum and her phone. There are too many scammers out there. Take care, have a great day!

  19. Bonito paisaje, con un buen contraste entre la nieve de las montañas y los colores ocres del campo.


  20. El nombre del monte me parece español por lo que pensé se debía a algún explorador español de los que llegaron antes que los ingleses por aquellos lugares.
    Hay compañías que cuando te llaman tienen grabado todo lo aquello que desean les contestes "si" y con esta palabra tenemos la costumbre de contestar ya te cazaron. Un familiar por esta razón estuvo un año sin teléfono e internet.


  21. There is a lot of beauty in New Zealand. I hope you get your mom's phone thing figured out.

  22. Oh! It's amazing!
    No wonder you miss New Zealand.
    The telephone companies are all scammers.

  23. Another great shot.
    There are so many scammers these days.


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