Saturday, July 15, 2023

Ants on the pavement for Saturday Critter


Quite scary if got bitten by them

Voigtlander 125mm f2.5 macro

Linking Saturday Critter

Weather has been a bit under me lately. I spent time scanning and editing the old film photos from the days in 2000 doing clinical placement at Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan. I haven't seen my best friend in medical school over 17 years! He ended up meeting the woman of his life when we worked in New York. 


  1. Then he is a lucky man indeed. The ants look poisonousness. Amazing how clear you got the photo, considering that they are always on the move so fast.

  2. Good photo of the ever moving ants. Enjoyed the video and it's good your friend found the women of his dreams so to speak.

  3. A nomad indeed! Did you think you'd end up in Australia and in your specialty? My two closest friends have both passed on, leaving me to wonder how and why we've been inflicted with Donald Trump. I wish I were your age again.

  4. That's so cool that you're scanning and editing your old film photos. 17 years is a long time!

  5. Que me lo digan a mí, que iba en pantalón corto hace años , fotografiando girasoles. Cuando me dí cuenta, sentí picotazos a lo largo de toda la pierna y tuve que echarme agua de la botella, que llevaba para beber, porque tenía una gran cantidad de hormigas picándome por todos lados.
    Feliz fin de semana. Un abrazo

  6. Why were poisonous ants put on earth? Surely not just to challenge artists and photographers!

  7. I enjoyed that little NY slide show. I try to stay away from those red ants.

  8. Great photo and capture of the Ant. I enjoyed the video, time sure does fly quickly. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  9. Those red ants ought not to be messed with.
